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Nathalie Hambro LDN>PMO ONE WAY




Opening 31May 2023

until 29 July 2023




Francesco Pantaleone Arte Contemporanea hosts the Nathalie Hambro retrospective.

Nathalie escapes the constraints of common definitions of nationality, creative medium, canonical identity.

She belongs to that small group of people for whom it is natural to build bridges between distant worlds, separate disciplines, opposing aesthetics, different languages, while remaining faithful to her own identity and to the message that is precisely summed up by her motto: ‘All is Art/Art is All’.

She built the longest bridge six years ago by moving from London to Palermo permanently, the event from which this exhibition starts.

Nathalie is gifted for seeing Beauty and creativity where the careless eye cannot reach.

The exhibition is meant as a journey into her all encompassing artistic endeavour, conveyed through Nathalie’s different artist’s books conceived at all latitudes, the use and reuse of more or less noble materials (metals in particular), the medium of photography to tell stories and suggest, the experience of creative projects with the teenagers of the Brancaccio, the ‘assemblage’ in the kitchen and in the conception of domestic spaces…

For Nathalie, Art can only be absolute and all-embracing, and she invites us to search for the drop of splendour, the scattered flashes of Beauty, in small details, in the simplicity of the everyday, in vignettes that redeems banality.

Because in the end, true Art is born from experience.


“ We shall not cease from exploration

And the end of all our exploring

Will be to arrive where we started

And know the place for the first time. “ TS Eliot


To the memory of Vito Planeta