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Liliana Moro

Liliana Moro is an Italian artist from Milan, who expresses herself by creating environmental works, drawings, collages, sculptures, theatrical projects and sound installations. Her practice uses a free artistic language based on the world of childhood, as well as fables, games and masks as means of communication, which allow her to explore the subjective reality and the external space.


Biennale di Thessaloniki, Greece / MAMbo Bologna, Italy / MART, Rovereto, Italy / Galleria Civica di Trento, Rovereto, Italy / This is the end, Careof e Viafarini, Milano, Italy / West of Rome e The Italian Cultural Institute, The Spazio Italia Gallery, Los Angeles / Elsewhere?, Galleria Emi Fontana, Milano / Camera con vista. Arte e interni in Italia 1900-2000, Palazzo Reale, Milano / Mentalgrafie, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Tel Aviv, a / 3500 cm2 – L’arte contemporanea attraverso i poster, Palazzo Lantieri, Gorizia / Idea. Disegno italiano degli anni novanta, Istituto Nazionale per la Grafica, Palazzo Fontana di Trevi, Roma ; Archivio di Stato, Torino, a cura di Laura Cherubini, Giorgio Verzotti / Seconda Edizione Arte Contemporanea sul Lago Maggiore, con Robert Wilson, William Kentridge / Il vuoto al centro, sedi varie, Comune di Montesilvano (PE) / Il Buco. 4 artisti ogni due settimane, Galleria Pio Monti, Roma / EGOMANIA, Galleria Civica, Modena / Il Potere delle Donne, Galleria Civica d’Arte Contemporanea, Trento / Italy Made in art: Now, MOCA, Museum of Contemporary Art, Shanghai / Confini – Boundaries, MAN, Nuoro / Donne Donne, Palazzo Strozzi, Firenze / Three exhibitions, CCAC California College of Arts and Crafts, Wattis Institute, San Francisco / Quadriennale, Roma , Italy / Aperto XLV Biennale di Venezia, Italia / Documenta IX, Kassel, Germany